The LPR Camera
That Never Sleeps!

Cut Costs:
Let Technology Handle Security,
Not Your Team!

Cut Costs: Let Technology Handle Security, Not Your Team!

Your security department has WAY to many other tasks / responsibilities to spend time out in the parking lots trying to catch employees in the act. Let the technology do the work for you!

 Our system is cost-effective and easy to install, providing a seamless experience from start to finish.

Data Collection

It only takes a few weeks to determine what patterns indicate a vehicle is owned by an employee; duration, frequency, times of day… all easily point to the offenders.


Once we have the data, we set up alerts that include the color, make and model of the offender and your security team can then easily place a waring on the vehicle.

Word Gets Out!

Once employees understand they are being flagged, they realize the parking lot is monitored 24/7/365.